Session 1 Lesson Plan

Circle Time (full group): 

Get to know each other’s names: 

Ask all learners to sit in a circle. Throw the ball to someone. The person who catches the ball says their name and something they enjoy and then they throw the ball to someone else in the circle. 

Establish 5 core rules:

Establish the rules and write them on a whiteboard or large piece of paper. The rules we recommend are: 

  1. a signal for silence (e.g. Countdown from 5, a tambourine, clapping call and response). Make it clear that what the expectations are when this signal happens (e.g. stop what you are doing, look at the facilitator, and listen). 
  1. 3 noise levels - silence, partner voice, and group voice. Explain that silence is no sound at all. Partner voice is when your partner can hear what you are saying but other people can’t hear you, and group voice is loud enough for the whole group to hear but someone outside of the group wouldn’t be able to hear it. Then you can set the noise level before every activity. 
  1. No walking off
  1. Talk about problems: If someone is annoyed, or they have fallen out with someone, talk about it. We don’t fight or call each other names. Get an adult involved if necessary
  1. Be supportive: Ask the group how we can support each (e.g. positive peer feedback only, no critising other people’s work, older learners helping younger learners). 

’Find someone who’

Each person (learners and adults) will have a worksheet (click here to download) and they will need to walk around the room asking people questions in order to find someone for every box on the worksheet. They will then write people’s names in the relevant boxes. At the end, sit in a circle and go over the answers.

True or False facts about me

Sat in a circle, each learner has to share two facts about themself. One of the facts is true, and the other is false. Everyone has to vote which fact they think is true. 

Self-directed learning: 


Tech station: 

-Create your own cartoon avatar: Click here to view quest

-Make a personal profile website: Click here to view quest

-Make an ‘All about me’ poster on Canva: Click here to view quest

Music station

-Piano: Click here to view quests

-Singing: Click here to view quests

-Dance: Click here to view quests

Art and crafts station: 

-Create a positive poster: Click here to view quest

-Draw your favourite superhero (and talk about what super power you want to have and why): Click here to view quests

-Kids self-directed art on the topic of ‘All about me’. ‘

Add workstations for workbooks, learning apps, and skills that parents might be able to contribute where possible

Show and tell

At the end of the session, finish with circle time, show our work, and reflect on the week

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