Session 2 Lesson Plan

Circle Time (full group): 

Recap names:

Ask all learners to sit in a circle. Throw the ball to someone. The person who catches the ball says their name.

Circle time questions:

-What have you done this last week that has been fun?

-If you could have a lifetime supply of any food, what food would it be?

Recap 5 core rules: 

  1. a signal for silence
  2. 3 noise levels
  3. No walking off
  4. Talk about problems
  5. Be supportive:

Hot chairs:

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs. Ask one person to stand up in the middle of the circle and take their chair away. The person in the middle says “Stand up if…(e.g. ‘You are younger than 10’, ‘You have blue eyes’, ‘You don’t like chocolate’ and then everyone who falls under that category stands up and has to run to another chair. One person will be left without a chair and then they will need to stand in the middle for the next round.

Self-directed learning: 


Tech station: 

-Create your own cartoon avatar: Click here to view quest

-Make a personal profile website: Click here to view quest

-Make an ‘All about me’ poster on Canva: Click here to view quest

Music station

-Piano: Click here to view quests

-Singing: Click here to view quests

-Dance: Click here to view quests

Art and crafts station: 

-Create a positive poster: Click here to view quest

-Draw your favourite superhero (and talk about what super power you want to have and why): Click here to view quests

-Kids self-directed art on the topic of ‘All about me’. ‘

Add workstations for workbooks, learning apps, and skills that parents might be able to contribute where possible

Show and tell

At the end of the session, finish with circle time, show our work, and reflect on the week

Optional group game


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